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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[Photos] Apink and Beast

(Source: a-pinkyeah)

[Photos] Apink photoshoot 2

(Source: a-pinkyeah)

[Photos] Apink photoshoot

(Source: a-pinkyeah)

[Picture] Park chorong Selcas

(Source: a-pinkyeah)

Onew Message 120322 with translation

[From. ONEW] 안녕하세요~ 온유 입니다.^^ 오랜만에 여러분 앞에 서게 되었습니다^^ 으하하~ 이젠 여러분과 앞으로 가는 길만 남았죠~! 모두 힘을 합쳐서 화이팅~^^ ㅎ
[From. ONEW] Hello~ this is onew.^^ it’s been a long time i’m not stand in front of you guys^^ huahaha~ There’s only way to go foward with you guys from now let’s Gathering All power~ Hwaiting
credit : smtown trans crush_onew