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Saturday, May 21, 2011

carzy little thing called love Movie

nah post yang ini kalian pasti tau dong.. orang dari judulnya aja udah di kasih tau.
kalian udah nonton ini? gue sih udah. dan film ini sungguh membuat gue dari seneng,iri,dan nangis kalo belom nonton buruan nonton.. keren abis lho filmnya.
nih sekedar info aja nama permain cewek yang jadi nam itu Pimchanok Luevisetpaibool sedangkan yang cowoknya yang jadi shone itu Mario Maurer kali ini gue cuma mau nge-share foto yang cewe karena gue iri! aaa! saking cantiknya gue jadi bagi-bagi ke kalian

gimana? cakep kan? huhuhu T^T sekarang gue bener-bener ngiri lho..
jangan mengira gue lesbi karena gue nge-post foto ni cewe. gue nge-post ini karena gue mau memamerkan saja pada kalian betapa cantiknya perempuan ini. bagi pecinta yang cowonya,lain kali gue post,mungkin ga gue post.karena gue ga gitu tertarik sama cowo nya.. ^^ mau tau kenapa? cari aja di gugel (baca: google) yang foto dia di cover majalah gitu.. dia suka top less gt foto-fotonya.. dan ada yang membuat gue benar-benar ' iuh! menjijikan! ' udah ah ge selesai-selesai kalo nge-bahas cowo itu.


my first quotes

hello! this is my own quotes. may be it's not good. but i try. i make this kind of quotes because i cut tissue into this shape and then i got idea from it. hope you like it 

we're in relationship but why we always argue each other just because a simple thing?
may be our heart not match
^like this pict the heart not same

is this the time?

is this the time to brake up?
should i leave you forever?

you know? i have find the new one

and it's match with me.
maybe you too big for me, or may be i'm too small for you so we didn't match.

but see the good side. i got a perfect match now.

did you like it? hmm i think not. T^T so sad *so sad because this quotes is bad

Mixed picture part 2

okay. for today i'm going to post a picture again..

guess how many picture i give for you today?
it's 45 pict
am i kind? hahaha