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Sunday, July 24, 2011

[News] goo hara (K-ara) and jun hyung (Beast)

seperti yang kalian tau..
goo hara member k-ara dan jun hyun memebr beast ini pacaran.
dan menurut web - web yang ada..katanya mereka resmi pacaran.
jujur walau gua bukan fans dar keduanya tapi gue tetep nggak percaya..
apakah dengan kesibukan mereka, mereka bisa pacaran dengan tenang? contohnya aja jonghyuun SHINee sama shin se kyung, kan akhirnya mereka putus juga (menurut info yang saya tahu lho). katanya sih mereka putus ya... kayak biasa karena kesibukannya masing-masing.

bagi para fans mereka berdua.
menurut perkataan yang saya tau "kalo cinta harusnya di biarin aja." ngerti ga kata-kata gue?
bagi yang nggak ngerti: kalo lo emang cinta sama tuh orang, harusnya lo biarin dia.
masa pacaran de kekang mulu kayak piaraan?

contoh aja deh, gue ga mau sebut-sebut namanya.. #ya iyalah!
temen gue ini cewe.. beberapa bulan lagi dy pacaran udh mau 2 tahun.
nah.. mereka ini kan jadi saling kasih tau FB nya.
yang cowonya ini pas dy buka FB cewenya.. dy nge-liat chat cewe nya sama cowo lain (kan kesimpen gituh chatnya di massage). bukan secara jelas.. cowonya marah.
nah, di liat dari cerita yang baru sampe sini aja.. udh merasa di kekang kayak "lo ga boleh deket-deket sama cowo laen!". mau tau isi chatnya apa?
katanya yang cewe sih.. kek sekedar ngobrol doang semacem say "hi" doang.
noh, sekarang masih ribut.. tak tau deh baeannya kapan =.="

keknya beritanya udah aja deh.. :P
eh? masih belom cukup? gue kasih gambar goo hara sama junhyung mau? XD

nunjuk apaan sih? nunjuk rumah ya?

ih,turun tangga ajah penggang tangan.. kalian sudah tua ya?
#di gampar fansnya mereka (maklum ga tau apa nmanya)

tuh- tuh *nunjuk-nunjuk fotonya* udah saya kasih kan? :P

udah dulu ya ^^

K-pop fandom

hi, udah lama ya.. gue ga nge-post di blog ini..
nah post gua hari ini.. tentang fandom K-pop.

bagi kalian yang mau tau fandom group boy band atau girl band yang lain namanya apa, kalian liat aja post ini.. trus, ada penjelasaany juga. ga ketinggalan ada beberapa info buat kalian ^^


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Super Junior fans are called ELF because it stands for Everlasting Friends. It means that their fans will always be their fans & love them no matter what. Also, it means that their fans are more than fans to them, they're more like dear friends.

SNSD fans are called S♥NEs because it means that SNSD & their fans are one. Hence, the pronunciation of SNE as "So One."

Other fanbases ~

SHINee's fanclub, SHINee World is taken from the title of their first album & because Shining Land = SHINee + World. It's also known as Shawol, which is just a shortened version of the two words combined.

DBSK's fanclub, Cassiopeia, is the name of a constellation with 5 main stars & there are 5 members in DBSK. Without a star, Cassiopeia [the constellation] wouldn't be Cassiopeia so they're emphasizing the importance of every member.

2PM's fanclub is named Hottest because JYP considers 2:00PM as the hottest time of the day.

2AM's fanclub is named I am because 2AM + 2PM = One Day. I am + Hottest = I am Hottest. Very clever ~!

FT Island's fanclub is named Primadonna because it's the name of their first album's song title. It also means that their fans are the heroines of their lives.

U-Kiss' fanclub is named Kiss Me & I think the meaning behind that is pretty obvious ^^

Kara's fanclub is named Kamilia because it's a combination of the words Kara & familia.

2NE1's fanclub is named Black Jacks because Black Jacks is also known as Twenty-One.

CN Blue's fanclub is named BOICE because it's the words "voice" & "blue" combined.

ZEA's fanclub is named ZEA's Style (I think) for obvious reasons.

MBLAQ's fanclub is named A+ because all of the members' bloodtypes are A & it also means their absolute quality (from Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality) is A+.

SS501's fanclub is named Triple S because the first 2 S's are taken from the band name, which stands for Super Stars & they added on another S, which stands for supporter.

Brown Eyed Girls' fanclub is named Everlasting. Idk why though... Wish their fanclub name wasn't so close to SuJu's -_-

f(x)'s "fanclub" is named Aff(x)tion, pronounced Affection. Meaning is obvious. It's not an official fanclub yet though, just the name of their international forum.

4minute's fanclub is named 4NIA because 4minute + Mania = 4NIA.

B2ST's fanclub is named B2UTY. Obvious reasons.

Official Fanclubs

[I AM] - 2AM


Balloon: Metallic Gray

[Black Jack]- 2NE1

[4NIA] 4Minute

[ Play Girlz] After School

[구름] (Cloud) – Bi Rain

[V.I.P] – Big Bang

Meaning : V.I.P. is short for ‘Very Important Person’
Bandana Color: They don’t use balloons, they use black and white bandannas

[B2UTY] – Beast/B2st

[점핑보아] (Jumping BoA) – BoA

Balloon: Pearl Yellow

[Everlasting] – Brown Eyed Girls

[Boice] C.N BLUE

[카시오페아] (Cassiopeia) – DBSK

Meaning : ‘Cassopeia’ is the name of the constellation of 5 stars that shine brightly in the sky Just like the name, the five members of Dong Bang Shinki shine brightly just like the stars do.
also the positioning of the letters TVfXQ (variant name) in the keyboard resembled that of the Cassiopeia constellation
Balloon Color : Pearl Red

*[Big East] – Tohoshinki

[High Skool] Epik High

[Primadonna] - FT Island

Meaning : FT Island’s first album’s song title is called ‘prima donna’. It also means that the fans are the heroines of their life.
Official balloon colour: They don’t have a balloon, but a yellow flag.

[Affxtion] - F(x)

*fans are Affxtionist Unofficial
Balloon: Pearl Periwinkle

[Happiness] Gavy NJ

[White Angels] H.O.T


[Jewelry Box] Jewelry

Balloonearl Blue

[카밀리아] (Kamilia) – KARA

Meaning : Kara means “sweet melody” in Greek. Kamilia is formed from (Kara + Familia)
Official balloon color: Pearl peach

[Airen] Lee Seung Gi

[A+] Mblaq

all of the members have blood type A
and that thier absolute quality is A+

[Prism/Prismatic] - Rainbow

[Lucky 7] – Se7en

Glow sticks: se7en prints on it

[SHINee.W] (SHINee World) – SHINee

Meaning : ‘Shinee World’ =‘Shining Land’! It’s a name that’s filled with a lot of spirit.
Balloon Color: Pearl Aqua

[신화창조] (Shinhwa Changjo) – Shinhwa


[Seeya with You] - Seeya

Balloon: Pearl light pink

[Friend] - SeS

ballonearl Violet

*[Stands ('Strong Till All Nine Disappear')] - SNSD Antis Losers

Balloon Color : Pearl Pink

[TripleS] – SS501

Meaning: ‘Until the day they become Super Stars, all 5 members will be 1(one) 0원히 (youngwonhi meaning forever) ‘ which is how they made the name SS501.” They added another S to the ‘SS’ which stands for ‘supporter’ and put together gives 3 S’s. That’s how the name TripleS came about.
Balloon Color: Pearl Light Green

[E.L.F.] – Super Junior

Meaning: Everlasting Friends
Balloon Color: Sapphire Blue Pearl

[Diadem] T-ara Unofficial

[Total Eclipse / Traxian] - TRAX

Dark blue glow sticks

[Shapely] - The Grace

Balloon: Pearl Pink

[Kiss Me] – U-KISS

Ballon color: Clear with kiss marks or Pink

[Soulmate] V.O.S

[WonderFul] - Wonder Girls

Balloon Color: Pearl Burgundy

[YounHapia] Younha

[Chocolyns] - Zhang Liyin


Member fanclubs

• MIRacle – Mir (MBLAQ)
• Soonja – Thunder (MBLAQ)
• SeungHolics – SengHo (MBLAQ)
• Flames – MinHo (SHINee)
• Blingers – JongHyun (SHINee)
• Lockets – Key (SHINee)
• M.V.Ps – Onew (SHINee)
• Taemints – TaeMin (SHINee)
• J+ - Joon (MBLAQ)
• Bumist - Jay park

Etymologies of Group Names

H.O.T. (High-five Of Teenagers) 에쵸티
S.E.S. (Sea, Eugene, Shoo) 에스.이.에스
Baby V.O.X. (Baby Voices of Xpression) 베이비복스
Shinhwa (Myth) 신화
Fin.K.L ( Fine Killing Liberty) 핑클
Jewelry 쥬얼리
Black Beat 블랙 비트
DBSK – Dong Bang Shin Ki 동방신기/ TVXQ - Tong Vfang Xien Qi - 東方神起/ Tohoshinki
TRAX (Typhoon of the Rose Attack on Xmas) / (Recording Tracks)
The Grace 천상지희 더 그레이스 / TSZX - Tiān Shàng Zhì Xǐ - 天上智喜 / CSJH - 천상지희 / Tenjōchiki
SS501 (Super Star - Five Members United as One Forever)
Super Junior 슈퍼주니어
Brown Eyed Girls (B.E.G.) 브라운 아이드 걸스
SeeYa ( See You Always + See You Again) 씨야
Big Bang 빅뱅
ChoShinSung 초신성 / Chōshinsei / Chao xin xing 超新星/ Supernova
Wonder Girls 원더걸스
Kara (GREEK: Sweet Melody) 카라
FT Island (Five Treasure Island) 에프티 아일랜드
Girls Generation 소녀시대 少女時代
(One Day) divided into two as 2PM and 2AM
> 2AM - tend to sing slow songs
> 2PM - tend to dances, raps fast songs because JYP believes that 2PM is the hottest part of the day XD
SHINee 샤이니 (SHINE+ EE from employEE)
U-Kiss (Ubiquitous Korean International Super Star) 유키스
After School 애프터스쿨
2NE1 ( New Evolution of the 21st Century) 투 애니원
4Minute 포미닛 (In a minute, they would capture the hearts of the fans)
T-ara 티아라
C.N. Blue (Code Name Blue) 씨엔블루
F(x) (Flower + Female’s Double X-Chromosome) 에프엑스
BEAST (Boys of the East Standing Tall) / B2ST (Boys to Search for Top) 비스트
MBLAQ ( Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality) 엠블랙
Dae Guk Nam Ah (Remaining Superpower) / (The BOSS = Boys of Super Space) 대국남아
Rainbow 레인보우
F.Cuz /Focus/ 포커즈
ZE:A ( Children of Empire) 제국의 아이들
Epik High 에픽하이
SG Wannabe (Simon and Garfunkel) SG워너비
AST’1 (A-Style)/ Revolution 다국적그룹
Xing (Crossing in New Genre)